Diane De Poitiers Son
- Diane De Poitiers Et Son Fils Sebastien
- Did Diane De Poitiers Have A Son Sebastian
- Diane De Poitiers Death
light a little spark ; Bash
Diane de Poitiers (1499–1566). French duchess who was married at 15 to a man old enough to be her grandfather, then became, at 37, the mistress of a king who, though young enough to be her son, made her the most powerful woman in France. Diane de Poitiers Et Son Gout Dans Les Arts: Notes Sur Le Chateau D'Anet a Propos Du Livre de M. (French Edition) Montaiglon, Anatole De on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers. 1 Early life 2 Season 1 3 Season Two 4 Notes 5 Historical Notes 6 Appearances 7 Related Pages 8 References Diane de Poitiers and Prince Henry were together before he married Catherine de' Medici. They had one son together, Sebastian who became the king's favourite. However several years after his birth, Diane was jealous of Henry's affection for Catherine still. So one night she opened the. Diane de Poitiers is one of the foremost ladies of the French Renaissance. As the mistress of King Henri II, twenty year her junior, she wielded immense political influence. She was given the royal title of Duchesse de Valentinois, and much of the crown jewels.
Maybe it was the extravagance of everything, or maybe the music, or anything else really, but parties like these would always have a grip around her and she used them to stop thinking about the past but to instead look forward if only for a short period of time. But being here, with him, moving together to the music. It made it hard not to think about the past, about them and how she never seemed to get over him. But her soft smile stayed as she pushed away from the thoughts of the past if only slightly. It had been a long year filled with ups and downs, hopefully, the coming year would bring something they all were worth by now.
Her smile grew at his words, tipping her head slightly to the side. “That’s good.” he had a tough year and she hadn’t done it better for him, again. Her gaze narrowing slightly as he mentioned her brother, something that soon had her eyes roll. “Let’s say I hope he will go on another trip soon enough.” she replied with a slightly arched eyebrow, a little smirk growing along her lips. “He’s probably staring at us right now.” a playful smirk growing along her lips. “Unpleased that I’m enjoying the last dance of the year with anyone but his suitors.” but most likely even more unpleased that it wasn’t with just anyone but with Bash.
In all honesty, he could never understand why her brother would not consider him as a possible suitor now. Yes, he was once a mere bastard son of the King of France, but he had been a Duke for a long time now and the brother of not one, but two Kings of France. He had been married to Queen and a beloved King consort of Hungary. And even though he had no intimate relationship with his wife, the two had come to an understanding and had formed a beautiful friendship, cared for each other as a person and there was love, but it was just not romantic for they both had interest of that short elsewhere. So known was it that the two were close that none suspected him of possibly having any involvement in his wife’s death. But he pushed these thoughts from his mind now, smiled at her warmly. “Bet you will get an earful for that later…” he teased her, eyes glanced at her brother if only for a mere second. “Is this how you wanted to spend your last dance of the year thought?” He questioned, for by now he was not used to them being close anymore. Their relationship had been through storms and tornadoes. Through thick more than through thin. And yet, there was always love, at least from his part; he never ceased loving her, caring about her. And now, he did not know if the question was idle or if he wanted to satisfy the curiosity that raged in the back of his mind.
Would you drink gold to stay young and beautiful?
Diane De Poitiers did. Kinda like those women who die today during a liposculpture or a boob job gone wrong, Diane thought the chance of wrinkle-free skin was worth the risk.
Diane De Poitiers Et Son Fils Sebastien
She paid for it with her life. Her golden elixir killed her before her time.
Why Did Diane De Poitiers Drink Gold?
Have you ever heard of Diane De Poitiers before? She was the mistress of of Henry II, King of France. An unusual one at that.
You’d think the King would have fallen for a young and innocent maid. Not exactly. Diane was twenty years his senior. By the time they became lovers, she was already a widow with two children.
Diane was more than just a pretty face. Sure, she was gorgeous, with her flawless skin and luscious golden locks. But she also was well-educated (particularly for the standards of her time), witty, clever, elegant, a keen sportswoman and an art lover.
Did Diane De Poitiers Have A Son Sebastian
The two first met when the 12-year-old Henry returned home from Spain, where he had been held hostage. Diane was chosen to teach the young prince courtly manners. He fell in love straight away, but for a few years, nothing happened. Phew!
Henry was 19 when he finally convinced the 31-year-old Diane to become his lover. Given the age gap, can you blame Diane for feeling the pressure to keep her looks for as long as possible?
This obsession with her looks, and her desire to keep her royal lover enthralled, lead her to drinking gold regularly… and eventually to her death (she would survive Henry, though).

Diane De Poitiers’ beauty secrets
According to her contemporaries, Diane was still remarkably beautiful even in her 50s. But this beauty came at a very high cost.
Diane was very active. She ran daily, loved to hunt and ride, swam in cold river water and followed a strict diet. Every single day, she took a bath followed by massages with perfumed oils and other beauty concoctions.
All this undoubtedly helped, but Diane had another, more dangerous beauty secret: she drank gold.
Drinking gold was quite common among wealthy women during the Renaissance. Considered an elixir of life, it was prescribed for a wide variety of illnesses.
Back then, people thought gold also had aphrodisiac properties and preserved youth and beauty. All things a royal mistress needed in spades, if she wanted to keep the attention of her royal lover.

Diane De Poitiers Death
Unfortunately, her golden elixir killed her. When her remains were exhumed and examined in 2009, forensic experts noted that, for a woman that led such an active and healthy lifestyle, her bones and hair were very fragile. Both are symptoms of gold intoxication.
Gold also gave her anemia, which was responsible for her white complexion. When researchers tested a lock of her hair still preserved at the Chateau d’Anet (the place where she died), they discovered it contained 500 times the normal level of the precious metal!
Diane died at 66, still beautiful. It’s true she had a remarkably long life for the standards of her time. But it could have been even longer if she hadn’t poisoned herself.
Is the price to pay for eternal youth really worth it in the end?