One Piece Stampede Cam Quality
Jan 16, 2020 - !Vostfr! One Piece Stampede ‘2019’ FILM COMPLET en Streaming VF. REGARDER:; REGARDER:; https. One Piece Stampede (2019) TC HC Cam 1080p AAC x264 mkv torrent download, InfoHash E337BFFABE2C40405DBFA6BCC4768D1492EA47D4. Full Movies via Streaming Link for free.
_cjessop19_(All reviews) 6 people found this review helpful |
Overall | 8 |
Story | 6 |
Animation | 9 |
Sound | 8 |
Character | 8 |
Enjoyment | 9 |
One Piece is one of those franchises that is known to have produced many movies and specials over the years to make a quick buck since the series is so massive and popular, and oftentimes, those movies are either a hit or miss. Those movies can range from really good to absolute dog shit in terms of quality, luckily for us One Piece fans, this movie is not dog shit. Stampede is the latest movie to have come out as of writing this review, and thankfully, the gods have blessed us with good fortune as the movie has turned out quite well. Now that I’ve ticked this off from the dozens of One Piece items on my list, I’ll go into detail explaining why this movie is one of the best One Piece films to have been released to date.
Before I get to the positive aspects of the film, I would say that the plot is probably one of the film’s biggest letdowns. The movie follows the Straw Hats and nearly everybody else as they all set out to partake in a festival just for pirates, a banquet of sorts and everyone is enjoying themselves. The festival is located on an island and is kept hidden from the marines. One of the events of the festival is a treasure hunt, and it turns out that the treasure everyone is hunting for can lead them straight to the one and only treasure that is One Piece. They have a massive battle with a previously unknown enemy who’s overpowered as shit, yada yada yada, Luffy defeats the enemy and saves the day, the end. The plot is actually very similar to a lot of the previous films, especially Gold, so when reflecting on the story of the film, I’m a bit disappointed the writers couldn’t think of something completely different, though it might be because it is One Piece and you can only do so much with pirates as the theme. I don’t think the story isn’t too bad, though it might be a bit rushed as well, if they did an overhaul of the writing and the story, the movie would be a whole lot better.
One of the things that keeps this movie afloat is probably the fan service with the amount of characters they’ve thrown in, as most of the pirates make an appearance. It was fun seeing them come together and fight among/work with each other, the film does feature Buggy and his crew quite a bit, which I have no complaints with. We are introduced to the villain, a former crew member of Blackbeard’s crew, and one of the prisoners who’s escaped from level 6 of Impel Down. He actually adds quite a bit of information to what we already know about Blackbeard and his crew since we know only a little about them, which adds to the lore of the One Piece world. Though he does present a challenge to the pirates and the navy, and since his powers were cool to see, he is a cookie-cutter villain. In terms of tragic backstory that sets him down the path of greed, evil and revenge, he is the same as Tesoro from One Piece Film: Gold. Overall, I think the characters were implemented quite well and their character dynamics were fun to watch, there were loads of gags and Easter eggs scattered around the film and the rest of the cast were good, nonetheless.
Where the film excelled the most is probably the animation and artwork, I think Toei pulled out all of the stops to create something that looks amazing. Just like the previous One Piece films, Stampede is well animated and has great artwork. Since we’re all used to the weekly half-a-chapter episodes, any One Piece content that has some sort of budget and time & effort put into it will look good. Fluid animation and the artwork for the films will always be on the plus side with the films. They decided to rely more on the CG, which had it’s up and downs throughout the film; on the downside, stuff like the transformation scene, most of the giant monster scenes, and the tiny background characters looked out of place and weird, and it was a little bit off-putting, though the CG monster was used well alongside the 2D animation in most instances. The cinematography was really well done as well, whether it be the camera movement around the character’s body or the panning and zooming into characters, you will be impressed by how well they made use of the camera motion. Out of all the films, I enjoyed watching the fight scenes here the most. The Luffy vs Bullet fight is one of the better fights out of all the One Piece films, and probably in my top 5-10 fights in all of One Piece. Overall, the animation and art was great.
One Piece Stampede Cam Quality Camera
Production-wise, the soundtrack, the sound effects, the voice acting, and the ending song were good and did their jobs well. We get an original ending song just for the film, which is sung by WANIMA, which closes off and wraps up the movie nicely. The OSTs did their jobs in evoking emotional responses for the viewers, be it emotional music for the sad and depressing scenes or the fun and exciting music for the introduction or the hype and intense music for the fight scenes; the music was implemented quite well. I felt as if the sound effects were a bit better than usual, not that repetitive and bland sound effects that are played on repeat when characters do repetitive attacks (like clanging of swords) you’d see in the main series. For a movie based on festivities and fighting, the music is a positive aspect and is something that should be accredited for.Compared to the other films, I enjoyed this a whole lot more. This is pure fan service for anyone who’s invested in the series and/or is up to date with the latest episode like I am. If you like to see fighting accompanied with excellent animation, and if you’re a fan of One Piece, then definitely check out this film. Even with it’s flaws, out of all of the One Piece films I’ve watched so far, this is probably one of the best out of the lot.
Overall score: 8/10
What They Say:
The world’s boldest buccaneers set sail for the great Pirate Festival, where the Straw Hats join a mad-dash race to find Gol D. Roger’s treasure. There’s just one little problem. An old member of Roger’s crew has a sinister score to settle. All bets are off when the most iconic pirates of One Piece history band together for a swashbuckling showdown, the likes of which have never been seen!
The Review:

Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)

As a project commemorating One Piece’s 2oth anniversary, Stampede had a lot of expectations to meet. One Piece has always been a top-tier series, and the previous three films, all written or executive produced by creator Eiichiro Oda himself, set a high bar to meet. Thankfully, Stampede more than lives up to the hype, delivering an action extravaganza beyond anything the series has seen since Marineford.
Right from the start, Stampede makes it clear that it’s going to be massive in scope. The montage as the Straw Hats arrive at the Pirate Festival features cameos from dozens of characters, big and small, from throughout the series. Many of them, like Hatchi and Miss Monday, only appear as cameos, but many more actually play a role in the film. There’s Smoker, Sabo, Crocodile, Mihawk, Perona, Sentomaru, and the entire Worst Generation, all of whom have a role to play in the film. The sheer number of characters featured means that if you have a favorite character, they’ll probably have a spotlight at some point. For any other movie, this many named characters would leave it too bloated to function, but this fits in perfectly with Stampede’s scale.
The first third or so of the movie is lighter fare, with the Straw Hats engaging in a free-for-all with the other pirates of the Worst Generation (as well as numerous others) as they compete to try and reach Gold Roger’s treasure first. This portion of the movie is really a series of highlights showcasing each character’s power in matchups we’re unlikely to encounter in the main series. It’s the kind of “what if x character fought y” that you usually only get to see in fighting game spinoffs, and it’s great. The fights are fluid, with characters and matchups rapidly shifting as they all try to outdo each other, all while highlighting a lot of lesser-used characters like Apoo and Urouge. Of course, this is only the prologue; the real meat of the story comes when Douglas Bullet makes his appearance, and what an appearance it is.
One Piece Stampede Cam Quality Sensor
Bullet’s introduction is a perfect example of how to bring in an overwhelmingly powerful villain. As soon as he arrives, he picks a fight with nine of the Eleven Supernovas (excluding Zoro and Law) and outmatches all of them. Everyone is given a highlight, often using one of their signature attacks, only to be forced back by Bullet. He’s even able to go toe to toe with Luffy’s Snakeman without trouble. Combine that with his bulk and Buggy mentioning that he’s a former member of the Roger Pirates who was on par with Rayleigh, and Bullet’s firmly established as a serious threat.
From Bullet’s arrival onwards, the movie becomes a series of intense action scenes with barely a pause in between. Everyone, pirates and Marines alike, is fighting Bullet and each other, all while the island is engulfed in utter chaos. The only way to describe the size of everything, both the number of players involved and the scale of the attacks, is apocalyptic. These are Marineford level battles that continue on almost nonstop for the majority of the movie’s runtime. There’s not a dull moment to be had, and action junkies will more than get their fill here. Almost every major character in the series (as well as a few minor ones) is involved in some way, and Bullet is the perfect villain for such a situation. He’s powerful enough that he almost feels unbeatable, so having all these characters involved makes sense. There’s even a running gag of Wapol and Foxy showing up, only for nobody to care about them. Though there are some jokes involving those two, as well as numerous instances of Buggy being completely out of his depth, to lighten the mood, the vast majority of the film is battle after battle, building tension that doesn’t fade until the movie ends.
With so much going on, though, something has to give, and in Stampede’s case it’s depth. Every character gets a chance to shine at some point, but there’s relatively little development for anyone outside of that. Even the other Straw Hats are given a less significant role in the latter half in favor of highlighting so many different characters. As for the villains, Bullet and Buena Festa, the man who arranged the Festival, are relatively one-note characters. Bullet just wants to be the strongest person in the world, while Festa only cares about surpassing Roger’s fame. Bullet does have a little more to his backstory, but it’s only given in a brief summary without much detail or nuance to it, and it’s largely irrelevant to the film’s plot. That said, Stampede’s simplistic setup isn’t as big of an issue as it would be in another film. Stampede is very straightforward about its main priority being showcasing cool fights and big attacks, so Bullet fits in quite well. He’s an intimidating enough threat that the exact details of his character are less crucial, and the pacing is such that there’s scarcely a chance to even think about that in the face of all the fights going on. Part of what makes One Piece so great is that it has so many different elements that are equally strong on their own. Stampede largely eschews the heavy character drama of arcs like Water 7 and Enies Lobby in favor of pure spectacle, which it excels at. It’s hard to criticize it too heavily for what it doesn’t do, when it very clearly accomplishes its main goal as a pure action movie. You may not be moved to tears like the best of One Piece, but you’ll absolutely be cheering by the end.
Animation wise, Stampede’s look is more akin to the distinctive line work and stylized designs of Wano than the clean and smooth look of the previous few movies. That works in its favor, as the more striking designs fit perfectly with the epic battles going on, and allow for a lot of expressive facial animation. The fights themselves are kinetic and fast-paced, using tracking shots with CGI backgrounds to add even more momentum. The CG is good quality enough to not be distracting and is used sparingly compared to the traditional animation on display. All in all, Stampede’s animation lives up to the high standard set by its predecessors and fits the film to a T.
One Piece Stampede Stream
In Summary:
Stampede feels like the sort of film that’s made squarely for the fans. Fan-favorite characters abound, engaging in all sorts of battles we wouldn’t get to see in the main series, all the while trying to stop a villain who’s the very definition of A Big Deal. Though it doesn’t reach the same dramatic heights as Film Z, Stampede more than makes up for it in raw unadulterated action. When the credits finally roll, fans are likely to feel exhausted in the best possible way from everything going on. If Stampede’s goal is to give fans a huge celebration for One Piece’s 20th anniversary, then I’d say it succeeds with flying colors.
Grade: A-